We are an international communications and public relations Agency with a solid background in high-end design and lifestyle and over 30 years of experience. We support our clients with awareness and storytelling strategies after a thorough analysis of the brand, the target market and the business objectives to be achieved.
Contents, written by professional journalists in Italian, English, and French, are one of our strenghts and the element that allows us to build cross-media communication campaigns with an international impact, offline and online.
We combine press office and PR activities, supported by thousands of contacts with journalists and influencers active in print, television, radio and digital media, and we provide creative direction of events and special projects.
Siamo un team dinamico e poliedrico animato dalla sinergia tra diverse competenze.
Dal 2023, Conseil è parte di We Are Design Agency, agenzia specializzata in branding, digital marketing e social media strategy. Le due società collaborano per costruire soluzioni di comunicazione integrate con un approccio sinergico e crossmediale.
Il Team
Flora Ribera – Head of global PR & Communication
Alberto Cesarotti – Creative Director
Elena Bassignani – Copywriter & Senior account
Costanza Falco – Copywriter & Account
Cecilia Lupano – Head of digital marketing
Alessia Corbo – Event & Social Media Manager
Via Vigevano, 15
20144 – Milano (MI)
Partita IVA: 13276430157
[email protected]
+39 02 670 2963
+39 02 667 13094
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